Do you get nervous when speaking in public?

Do you get nervous when speaking in public? Everyone gets nervous when speaking in public. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first time, or you’re a professional speaker who speaks to audiences every day – nerves are completely normal. I speak regularly to audiences of all sizes, and I worry if I’m not feeling at least a little […]

What is networking?

A networking event with lots of people in attendance

What is Networking? In life, you’ll often hear the phrase ‘it’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know.’ This is absolutely true – but when it comes to networking, it goes a stage further than that. Yes, who is more important than what: but more important is how well you know people. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t […]

How important is public speaking when networking?

Reasons why people fear public speaking

How important is Public Speaking when Networking? Heights, spiders, flying, death. Look through any list of the human race’s worst fears, and these will commonly appear. Along with one other – public speaking. But when you promote your business through networking – online or in person, you will have to speak in public. Think about […]

5 Signs of Networking Burnout

Candle burning out

5 Signs of Networking Burnout (and how to get past them) I recently read a post on LinkedIn talking about networking burnout. The writer talked about how she was doing so much networking, that it felt like her only social life was the networking she went to – and as such, she felt burnt out […]

My ideal client is your Aunt. How can I get referred to people like her?

An aunt looking at her phone doing business

My ideal client is your Aunt. How can I get referred to people like her? Last month I wrote an article (click here to read it) about the importance of being targeted and specific when asking for referrals. We looked at how to do this if you sell your product or service to businesses. But what if […]

Why getting specific will get you more referrals

Hitting the bullseye

Why getting specific will help you get more referrals You’ll often hear networking professionals like me tell you to be specific and targeted when asking for referrals. Unfortunately so many business people get stuck though. They might accept they should be specific – they just don’t know how to do be specific. Let me help. There is […]

What’s the Red Ferrari in your business?

A red Ferrari

What’s the Red Ferrari in your business? It’s a truism of networking, but the more specific you are about who you want to speak to, the more likely you will get referrals to them. This sounds counterintuitive. You might think that ignoring a whole swathe of potential customers to focus on one specific target is […]

The Value of a Smile

Man with face mask on

The Value of a Smile (even when wearing a mask) Lockdown. We all remember what that was like, don’t we? And while we definitely try to not focus on what was happening in the world at the time, sometimes, little reminders just pop up. This picture came up in my Iphone photo memories the other […]

Let me tell you a story

A mother telling her daughter a story

Let me tell you a story This story is about Deena, who is a lettings Agent. Deena received a call in her office at about 5pm on a February afternoon. On this particular day, it was raining. Being February, it was also virtually dark. The person on the line was a lady, and it was clear very […]

Do you recognise your networking opportunity?

Do your recognise your opportunity when networking? Hopefully, we all know by now that networking is about building relationships. If we go networking trying to sell, we’ll be doomed to failure, because no one ever goes networking with the intention of buying anything. This particularly applies when presenting your business when networking (whether online or in […]